KPKM On-Bus Wi-Fi Internet
KPKM makes heavy use of InControl 2 and to great effect. Fleet management is particularly useful in that there is a real-time geographic overview of the entire bus fleet. On a more granular scale, buses can be isolated and tracked separately for close monitoring and management.
Future Possibilities
KPKM couldn’t be happier with the MAX BR1’s reliability in offering uninterrupted Internet connectivity to its passengers. They’re also extremely impressed with how durable and rugged the BR1s are, as recorded environment temperatures range from five to 122 degrees Fahrenheit.
With such a robust system in place, KPKM is already moving forward with plans for future expansion. ACO Solutions (now new name of company is Wilink) is in the process of developing a CCTV system, a mobile app for users to locate specific buses, and monitoring for the on-board computer – all to be delivered by Peplink devices and a highly secure PepVPN connection.
Passenger Wi-Fi
Install MAX routers on your buses and offer free Wi-Fi. Use InControl 2’s API to communicate with existing systems. Offer Social Wi-Fi to gain customer insights or connect to an ad server for new revenue.
Bus Stop Connectivity
Use MAX routers to add more value to your bus stops. Display information on when the next bus will arrive. Offer free Social Wi-Fi to get rider insights or offer ad-supported Wi-Fi Internet to open a new source of revenue.
Logistics Fleet Tracking
Use Peplink to help keep a close eye on your cargo by streaming HD videos from every cargo container. Use InControl GPS fleet tracking to monitor and review each vehicle’s speed, location, and route travelled
Fleet Deck 
Multilanguage application for passengers (Passenger Information System) which allows to track the actual location of transport vehicles on smartphones or tablets by passengers waiting for their busses, trains or other public transport. Thanks to it passengers knows exactly when their bus will really arrive. This solution provides not only with the exact position of the vehicle, but also information that is needed for passengers, such as information concerning ability of transporting a bike in the bus or train, whether the arriving bus is low-floor and there’s an ability of riding in with a stroller, or if there’s a ticket machine on board. What is more, this solution is several times less expensive than active the bus stop boards.
Internet of vehicles and things
This solutions allows to collect, transfer and analyze data from moving vehicles (cars, busses, trucks and trains) as well as from technical installations like wind or solar farms, intelligent buildings or heating and cooling systems. This solution is designed each time individually – exactly for the needs of each client. The needed data is sent via multi GSM routers using VPN tunnels to the main server in headquarters, where analysis of the data are performed and remote active access to it is possible. System allows to prepare all necessary reports, diagrams etc.