FusionHub Virtual Appliance
Peplink introduces FusionHub, the new virtual SpeedFusion appliance. With the new FusionHub, SpeedFusion connections can be established between cloud servers and Peplink devices.
- SpeedFusion connections to your datacenter or cloud servers
- View Web domains your clients visit and application usage
- Integrate datacenters and cloud servers into existing physical SpeedFusion networks

Bandwidth Bonding
- Remote Streaming
- Combine Different Sources

Session Persistence
- Packet-Level Seamless Failover
- Cellular Backup Connections

Deploy on Any Cloud Server
- Local and Remote Deployment
- InControl 2 Centralized Management
Deep Client Insight
In addition to the ability to organize your devices and FusionHubs, InControl 2 provides you with real-time client information. Gain insight into the domains your clients visit (e.g. www.facebook.com) as well as any of their applications that use data (e.g. BitTorrent, Skype).

This information can be displayed as a table, pie chart, or client connection diagram. On the client connection diagrams, information is made manageable using intelligent filters.
Unbreakable Connection to Cloud Resources On the Go

Faster Internet Access by Leveraging Your Datacenter

SpeedFusion as a Service